Legal Notice


Design and production:

this online store was created by Eshop Promotion SARL Go to to keep up to date with the latest news and get advice on selling online and managing an e-site. trade.

Legal notice and private data privacy policy

1- The website is published by the company Sasu MG-DISTIBUTION, Company registered in the trade and companies register SIRET 79337226900019 and whose registered office is located at 1 bis Grande Rue 25130 Villers Le Lac ( Intra-community VAT number: FR77793372269), represented by its current chairman.

The publication director of this site is Mr. Mehmet Gunes.

Creation of the Eshop Promotion SARL website

53 Strasbourg Street
L2561 Luxemburg
Tel: +352 471817300

The hosting of the site is provided by

53 Strasbourg Street
L2561 Luxemburg
Tel: +352 471817300

2- For any complaint concerning the website, you can contact the MGD company:

By phone from Tuesday to Saturday from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. except public holidays: +33 6 22 13 26 73

  (price of a local call)

By electronic means to the following address:

By post to the following address: 1 bis Grande Rue 25130 Villers Le Lac


The company is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting the information you provide to it.

3.2 Protection of property and people – management of personal data:

In France, personal data is notably protected by law n° 78-87 of January 6, 1978, law n° 2004-801 of August 6, 2004, article L. 226-13 of the Penal Code and the European Directive of October 24, 1995.

On the site only collects personal information (according to article 4 law n ° 78-17 of January 06, 1978) relating to the user only for the need for certain services offered by the site vwww.

The user provides this information with full knowledge of the facts, in particular when he enters it himself. It is then specified to the user of the site the obligation or not to provide this information.

In accordance with the provisions of articles 38 and following of law 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, any user has a right of access, rectification, deletion and opposition. personal data concerning him. To exercise this right, send your request to by email: or in writing duly signed, accompanied by a copy of the identity document with signature of the holder of the document, specifying the address to which the response must be sent.

No personal information of the user of the site is published without the knowledge of the user, exchanged, transferred, assigned or sold on any medium whatsoever to third parties. Only the assumption of redemption of the site and its rights authorizes MG-DISTRIBUTION to transmit the said information to the prospective purchaser who would in turn be bound by the same obligation to store and modify the data. with respect to the user of the site

The site is declared to the CNIL

The databases are protected by the provisions of the law of July 1, 1998 transposing directive 96/9 of March 11, 1996 relating to the legal protection of databases.


Access to this site gives you the right to private and non-exclusive use of this site.

All the information present on this site can be downloaded, reproduced, printed subject to using such information only for personal purposes and in no way for commercial purposes not modifying such information reproduce on all copies the copyright notice.

Any other use not expressly authorized is strictly prohibited.

Fraudulent use of the brand or any other content of the website is totally prohibited.


The information published on this site is given in good faith, but without guarantee of any kind, and is based on the information we obtain from our usual sources, after validation.

We strive to verify, as far as possible, the validity of the information brought to the attention of the public.

However, we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, errors and possible omissions contained on this site, and assume no responsibility for the use of this information by readers. The user is solely responsible for the use he makes of it.

We reserve the right to modify this information at any time, in particular by updating this site.

The user undertakes not to transmit on this site any information that could give rise to civil or criminal liability and therefore undertakes not to disclose via this site any information that is illegal, contrary to public order or defamatory.


Links to other sites may direct you away from this website. We accept no responsibility for the form, content, accuracy of information, and function of these sites. These links are established in good faith and we cannot be held responsible for the content of these sites.


We undertake to make our best efforts to ensure that users have access to the site at all times. However, we cannot be held responsible in the event of unavailability of the site, for any reason whatsoever.


Entities responsible for collecting personal data

This privacy statement is issued on behalf of MG-DISTRIBUTION, When we use the terms "MG-DISTRIBUTION", "we" or "our" or "MGD" in this document, we refer to the responsible person who is responsible of the processing of your data. The conditions of use of the service that you conclude with MG-DISTRIBUTION will determine who will be responsible for data processing. On this website, personal data is collected by the DPO of MG-DISTRIBUTION.

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) for the MG-DISTRIBUTION site in charge of questions related to this notice. If you have any questions, concerns or requests about this notice, how we handle your Personal Data, or any other personal data-related matter, please contact our Data Protection Officer via our contact form. contact or:

Attention: Data Protection Officer

MG-DISTIBUTION, SIRET 79337226900019 and whose registered office is located at 1 bis Grande Rue 25130 Villers Le Lac

Collection of your personal data

As a visitor to the website, you can participate in all kinds of activities without providing any personal data.

However, when you register to use the website and consult our products, our promotions, our discount coupons, our contests, our Newsletter or services as a subscriber, for provide you with the services in question, we may collect the following personal data:

Contact details such as your name, telephone and fax numbers, postal address and e-mail address
Demographic information such as your job title, job description, and the name and type of company you work for.
Profile data, including your username, gender details, birthday.

If you submit content when registering on our site or participating in a contest, you may be asked to provide the following information:

Contact details such as your name, phone number, mailing address, email address, preferred store.
MG-DISTRIBUTION may verify this information.

Depending on your activity, some of the information we ask you to provide is mandatory, others are not. If you do not provide the mandatory data as part of an activity, then you will not be able to participate in this activity.

As on most websites, when you use the Site, MG-DISTRIBUTION or third-party subcontractors under contract with MG-DISTRIBUTION may also collect certain technical or routing information about your computer, in order to improve your use of the Site and services. For example, we may log information about your environment, such as browser type, operating system, processor speed, and your computer's IP address. We use these variables to facilitate and track your use of the Site and its services. MG-DISTRIBUTION also uses it to assess Site traffic. To better understand the needs of our visitors to the Site, we sometimes establish a link between this data and your Personal Data.

When you download and use our Mobile Apps or Services, we automatically collect data about the type of device you use and your operating system version. We do not require that you be able to access or track location-based information at any time when downloading or using our Mobile Apps or Services.

How your personal data is used

MG-DISTRIBUTION collects information about you in order to provide you with services, to fulfill its obligations and to improve its products and services. We do not sell, rent, or otherwise provide personally identifiable information to third parties other than in accordance with this Privacy Policy. MG-DISTRIBUTION may use this information:

Process your registration data to send you personalized offers

Process your financial transactions.

Send you order/renewal confirmations.

Register your rights, if any, to technical assistance or other advantages offered to registered users.

Respond to requests, questions and concerns sent to customer service.

Manage your account.

Send information you requested about a service or product.

Keep you informed of special offers and services from MG-DISTRIBUTION and selected third parties.

Administer promotions and sweepstakes you participate in and notify you of the results.

Investigate, prevent, or take action with respect to any illegal activity or violation of our Terms of Service.

To meet our needs for research and development of products or services and to improve our Site, our services and our offers.

Personalize your experience, including the services and offers we provide to you.

We store the information we collect through cookies, log files, transparent images or outside sources to create a summary of your preferences. We combine your personal data or usage history with your preference summary information for the purpose of providing you with tailored promotions and marketing offers, improving site content, or determining your preferences.

In certain cases, MG-DISTRIBUTION may be required to provide personal data in order to respond to requests from the authorities, in particular for reasons of national security or law enforcement.

When required by law (e.g. in the context of a subpoena, warrant, court order or legal proceeding against MG-DISTRIBUTION and when we believe that "Such disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, avoid litigation, ensure your safety and the safety of others, investigate fraud and/or respond to an administrative request. We may also disclose information about you if we believe that such disclosure should be made for matters of national security, law enforcement or any other matter of public interest.

Sharing information with service providers or consulting agents

MG-DISTRIBUTION uses one or more data processing companies such as Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics and other subcontractors. To our knowledge, these companies do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any purpose other than this.

We also share Personal Data with certain companies that perform services on our behalf. We only provide Personal Data that is necessary for them to provide these services. We require the companies with which we share Personal Data to protect this data in accordance with this policy and that they limit themselves to using this Personal Data within the framework of the services they provide on behalf of MG-DISTRIBUTION

We do not sell or provide Personal Data to other companies that market their own products and services.

Data retention

We will retain your information for as long as your account is active. We need it to provide services to you or comply with our legal obligations. To delete your account or to ask us to no longer use your data to provide you with our services, contact us at the email address on the site. We will process your request within 15 days. We will retain and use your information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and honor our contracts.

Newsletter subscription

You can ask to no longer receive news, newsletters from MG-DISTRIBUTION or e-mails from our partners. To do this, click on the "My Account" link on the Site and choose the options accordingly. You can generally opt out of these communications at the time of registration. MG-DISTRIBUTION will continue to contact you in the event of modification of the Conditions of use of the service or the Conditions of use of the service for the contributors. In addition, we will continue to send you service-related announcements, including, but not limited to, registration email, benefit emails, emails automatically sent when you perform certain actions on the Site and notices relating to invoices. As a general rule, you cannot opt out of these communications which are not promotional in nature. If you do not wish to receive them, you can deactivate your account.

Protection of your data

The Personal Data you provide when using the Site is protected in various ways.

You can access your profile using a unique password and customer ID that you choose. The password is encrypted. We advise you to use a reliable alphanumeric password and not to disclose it to anyone.

Your Personal Data is stored on a secure server, to which only certain MG-DISTRIBUTION staff members and certain MG-DISTRIBUTION suppliers and consultants have access via a password.

Your Personal Data is encrypted each time it is transmitted to MG-DISTRIBUTION

When you enter sensitive information into our registration forms, we encrypt that data using SSL security technology.

We strive to protect the Personal Data sent to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, and no method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Although we take into account the sensitive nature of the Personal Data that we collect, process and store, and the current state of technology to put in place these measures in order to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee their security at 100%.

If you have any questions about the security of our Websites, you can email us.


You can see our cookie management policy and modify or withdraw your consent on the page of our site